European Society for Spatial Biology

AI - The Wave is Coming
Together, we'll catch it perfectly!

Adoption & change management for AI: ready for THE workforce revolution with soluzione

Human Expertise for Artificial Intelligence Adoption Success

The safe and secure handling of data and the broad use of artificial intelligence across the entire workforce guarantee future competitiveness and innovation. But how can such an approach look and influence your organization in a positive way and how can you prepare for this change? 

With the knowledge that an AI-introduction is always a strategic decision, the following challenges await: 

  • Adapting organizational structures and work cultures 
  • Investment in technical infrastructure and licenses as well as the security and protection of your data 
  • The best possible training for your employees to ensure they have the skills and confidence to handle data and KI. 

    With us as your partner, you bring your people in from the beginning and guide them through the process: 

    • You'll receive support developing the right strategy 
    • We ensure that AI goals are clearly communicated 
    • We ensure a transparent flow of information and reduce internal uncertainty. 

    Find the right AI approach for you with soluzione

    Marketing for AI promises fantastic numbers for increasing productivity. To even begin to realize this potential, the path to the AI decision must be well prepared. Is Copilot the right AI for your company, or are there other options? Does it even make sense to think about AI if you have been slow to digitize? 

      No matter what phase you are in, soluzione will support you with suitable modules:

      • You're just starting out and you're not sure how you can strategically approach AI?  
      • Your AI strategy is set up and you've already completed initial projects: now it's time for knowledge building and communication! 
      • You already have an internal AI: maximize usage as central point-of-contact for knowledge management and learning content. 
      • You have already purchased Copilot licenses and are searching for professional suppport for piloting.  

      With soluzione, you'll always be on the right side of copyright:: all our learning units (> 3,000 films, OnePagers, campaign content, quizzes, click paths etc.) are produced by us!! 

        Sie überlegen, wie Sie Ihre Belegschaft an das Thema KI heranführen

        Blinder Aktionismus bringt nichts! Bevor Sie teure Investitionen machen, sollten Sie sicherstellen, dass Ihre Belegschaft die KI-Richtlinien des Unternehmens verstanden und eine Basis-Schulung durchlaufen hat (Idee: KI Führerschein®). At soluzione, you will receive support from experienced M365 consultants who have been certified with the IHK as AI managers. 


        • We will support you through all phases  
        • Together, we'll work to achieve your goals 
        • We take into account your company's unique M365 status.  
        • We advise you on purchasing licenses 
        • We also offer training on the free Bing Copilot 
        • Our course Working with AI will prepare your employees and provide understanding of the rules of use.

        Die Strategie steht - so etablieren Sie KI

        Wollen Sie Ihre Belegschaft besser für KI qualifizieren, müssen Sie individuelles Lernen und Feedback anbieten. Wir stellen maßgeschneiderte Bausteine zur Verfügung: 

        • E-Learning for important basic knowledge 
        • live demos zu benutzerdefiniertem Gebrauch von KI. 
        • Present the benefits and purpose of AI in a film customized for your company
        • Fast success with AI for your employees by providing them with use case-based training
        • campaigns. keep your workforce up to date, spark impulses and provide frequent cheat sheets 

        Jede KI-Einführung ist ein längerer Prozess. Gemeinsam legen wir in einem Kommunikationsplan die Themen fest, sorgen für passende Maßnahmen und messen den Erfolg. 

        This makes it possible to plan how to train your employees to work with AI!  

        Your company's own AI as a "single point of content"

        Integrate our learning library into your AI and create a single point of access to your corporate knowledge along with ad hoc support and self-learning options from soluzione. You will benefit in several ways:

        • Access to 4,000+ learning units on various topics.
        • Intelligent preparation of company-owned as well as soluzione content: Content is enriched with metadata and optimized for AI search.
        • Individual content creation possible as required.
        • Regular updates: so that all content is always up to date.

        This solution also guarantees legal certainty with regard to copyrights and rights of use!

        You have already chosen M365 Copilot

        Are you now looking for competent support through the various phases of your AI implementation?  

        You will receive valuable support from soluzione: 

        • Your advisor is certified by the IHK as an AI Manager - with an official certificate
        • Support from the pilot phase with copilot to the large-scale rollout. 
        • Establish transparent internal communication around AI (avoids uncertainty and sets realistic expectations). 
        • We provide target group-specific training for all those involved in the pilot phase. 

        Our 6 support phases build on each other: It's the most effective and targeted way to invest in Gamechanger AI.

        Our topics & subscription models

        soluzione is your competent partner for all important future topics: Modern Workplace, Cyber Security Awareness and Artificial Intelligence. Below you can see our service matrix with the respective packages and service descriptions for each topic.

        You can pick topics individually, combinations thereof, or you can book our complete service package, to cover the entire spectrum and leverage synergies. We create a customized plan for your needs and determine when to focus on each topic.



        All features from Essential plus:


        All features from Professional plus:



        All features from Essential plus:


        All features from Professional plus:

        Phishing Icon
        Phishing Standalone


        All features from Essential plus:


        All features from Professional plus:



        All features from Essential plus:


        All features from Professional plus:



        All features from Essential plus:


        All features from Professional plus:

        Phishing Icon
        Phishing Standalone


        All features from Essential plus:


        All features from Professional plus:

        Our Services

        Customer Success Management

        Onboarding – Basis & Premium: Every customer receives access to the soluzione Project Manager Cockpit and the extensive soluzione Toolbox website. In addition to introductory videos, you will find templates, practical checklists and can request further services if required. In Premium Onboarding (for Phishing Alone, Professional & Excellence customers), your CSM consultant will personally introduce you to our services in a live online meeting.

        Introduction – Media Set and Web Session We help you communicate soluzione's adoption internally. Professional & Excellence customers also receive a live demo with experienced CSM consultants. 

        Regular Support From the Professional & Excellence levels upwards, you will have a dedicated Customer Success Account Manager. Questions about available services or the contract will be answered directly.


        Hosting, Maintenance & Support soluzione Script GmbH is a company based in Germany. All our learning content is hosted on our own hardware. You'll receive direct personal support from technical consultants. Release updates and patches are applied automatically when available. 

        Updates & News: We produce our learning content in Microsoft Evergreen mode to match the M365 update channel as closely as possible. Our updates are typically released on a quarterly basis. 

        Consulting & Campaigns

        Communication Plan & Update Together with your personal consultant, you develop a communication plan in an initial strategy workshop or in consulting appointments that will be updated for months 6-12. 

        Campaign Service: Your consultant uses modern workplace tools to determine which goal is to be achieved at which stage and which channel is appropriate.

        Custom Animated Trailer We create custom animated trailers based on your concept or develop a suitable template in a joint workshop. The resulting movie will be animated according to your ideas and realized with audio on a text-to-speech basis.  

        Analyse Icon

        Evaluate & Measure

        Regular Performance Measurement: Professional & Excellence customers profit from our soluzione statistics service. Your consultant provides ein regulares reporting onr usage of soluzione42 App & Web, advises on further steps and recommends measure so you can meet your goals.

        Strategische KI-Planung: Finden Sie den Sweet Spot für Ihr Unternehmen

        Melden Sie sich jetzt kostenlos zur Folge 1 unserer soluzione KI-Webinarreihe an. Speaker: Nadja Schäfer & Sergiy Esposito

        Mittwoch, 06.11.2024, 14-15 Uhr (45 min. Vortrag plus 15 min. Fragen)

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