European Society for Spatial Biology

How stable is your Human Firewall? - Strengthen your workforce's Security Awareness

Uncover vulnerabilities with phishing simulations and sensitize users with e-learning and campaigns - this is how you can sustainably reduce your cyber security risk.

As cyber-attacks become more sophisticated, our comprehensive approach effectively counteracts them.

In exklusiver Kooperation mit Florian Hansemann, dem weltweit führenden Security-Experten von HanseSecure, unterstützen wir Ihr Unternehmen umfassend und nachhaltig. So schützen Sie sich besser gegen jede Art von Phishing-Angriffen und bauen einen stabilen Cyber Security Schutzschild auf.

Our portfolio includes: phishing simulations, an Outlook-Add-In (incl. Report Button) for the detection of phishing attempts, regular Phishing Reports including consulting analysis, motivating E-Learning with relevant recommendations for action and active support through a Cyber Security Awareness Campaign with custom-prepared awareness nuggets.

HanseSecure's many years of expertise and soluzione's in-depth learning psychology skills combine to offer the best of both worlds: Because only experts make experts!

Our Promises:

  • Fast User Activation
  • Establishment of Sustainable Habits
  • IT security expertise from HanseSecure

Phishing Simulations

Emergency Testing

Together with HanseSecure, our IT security partner, we simulate realistic phishing attacks on your company's employees. These phishing emails are created at different levels of difficulty (level 1-5 including spear phishing).

In the event of incorrect behavior, e.g. clicking on an insecure link or opening a supposedly malicious file, you will be redirected to a soluzione information page. Here we show you how the specific attack could have been detected and offer tailor-made learning aids. 

Strengthening the “human firewall” significantly increases security.

Outlook Add-In zum melden von Phishing Mails

Feature: Email Security

Smart Outlook Add-In 

The email security add-in (incl. report button) increases awareness of phishing and security issues and strengthens the reporting culture. The smart reporting tool makes it particularly easy for users:

  • Users are sensitized and trained for hacker attacks in a practical way.  
  • Statistical reporting allows you to more realistically assess the current probability of successful attacks against your organization. 

React quickly and accurately thanks to triple benefits:

Check: Intelligent checklists help you evaluate emails.

Report: If you don't know or if you are certain about the phishing character of the email.

Learn: Users can directly access customized security nuggets.

soluzione E-Learning​

Motivating security awareness courses

This allows the learning process to begin immediately. Methodologically and didactically sound content ensures quick and lasting retention. The Cyber Security Awareness courses are available via our in-house learning platform or can be easily integrated into your existing LMS. Our animated training videos are not only entertaining, but also specially prepared from a learning psychology perspective. 

Storytelling, best practices and relevant recommendations for action guarantee:

  • Simple implementation in everyday working life
  • High acceptance by employees
  • Establishment of Sustainable Habits

With courses such as Phishing, Office & Home Office Security, Password Security & MFA, Malware or Data Protection, you can provide your employees with the necessary, up-to-date knowledge. We are constantly adding new modules to our portfolio.

Awareness Campaigns

Comprehensive premium protection

Sobald die erste Phishing-Welle angelaufen ist, gewinnen Sie einen Eindruck, inwieweit die „Firewall Mensch“ in Ihrem Unternehmen funktioniert.

Based on the content of the e-learning courses we offer an actively supported 10-week mixed-media awareness campaign with additional awareness nuggets. This allows us to address identified weaknesses in a targeted manner. In accordance with the principle of distributed learning, context-based, modular learning content alternates with simulations and motivating campaign elements.

Fill in the knowledge gaps and measure the results with upcoming simulation statistics.

In the fourth month of simulations, you will receive an in-depth review of topics that your employees are unlikely to fall for, as well as examples that are clicked on more frequently. To strengthen your security posture as quickly as possible, we replace topics with customized learning content to make immediate improvements for the next phishing simulations.

Our topics & subscription models

soluzione is your competent partner for all important future topics: Modern Workplace, Cyber Security Awareness and Artificial Intelligence. Below you can see our service matrix with the respective packages and service descriptions for each area.

As part of our subscription models, you can book topics and combinations thereof. Or take advantage of our comprehensive service offerings in order to skillfully exploit synergies. We create an individual plan and determine when we focus on which topic in particular.

Phishing Icon
Phishing Standalone


All features from Essential plus:


All features from Professional plus:



All features from Essential plus:


All features from Professional plus:



All features from Essential plus:


All features from Professional plus:

Our Services


soluzione offers targeted training on cyber security, including how to recognize and prevent phishing attempts. Our learning content is designed to raise general security awareness and provide practical tips on how to defend against threats.

soluzione is committed to providing the most up-to-date learning content. We work closely with cybersecurity experts to provide regular updates and incorporate all new developments into our training courses.

Yes, soluzione offers detailed reports and analysis to measure the learning success and the improvement of security awareness in the company.

Strategische KI-Planung: Finden Sie den Sweet Spot für Ihr Unternehmen

Melden Sie sich jetzt kostenlos zur Folge 1 unserer soluzione KI-Webinarreihe an. Speaker: Nadja Schäfer & Sergiy Esposito

Mittwoch, 06.11.2024, 14-15 Uhr (45 min. Vortrag plus 15 min. Fragen)

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